Maria zoekt een Kamer / Appartement / Studio in Amsterdam

Maria zoekt: Een Kamer / Appartement / Studio in Amsterdam

  • Kamer / Appartement / Studio
  • Min. 9 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 23 Per direct

To introduce a little bit of myself, I'm a clean and tidy person. I'm easy to get along/live with and outgoing, so I would love to spend time with my flatmates and have some meals together or some wine. However, I like to have my own space as well. I’m a good Spanish cook but I also enjoy other kinds of healthy cuisine. I'm passionate about traveling and books, I don't smoke and I also enjoy doing yoga.

Algemene informatie: Maria
  Vrouw, 26 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Master in Political Science at UvA (UNIVERSITEIT)