Jakob zoekt een Kamer / Appartement / Huurwoning / Studio / Woonboot in Amsterdam

Jakob zoekt: Een Kamer / Appartement / Huurwoning / Studio / Woonboot in Amsterdam

  • Kamer / Appartement / Huurwoning / Studio / Woonboot
  • Min. 0 m2
  • Man
  • 23 Per direct

I am moving to Amsterdam this summer to continue my studies in pure mathematics. I like to think that I have a very open mindset and am super interested in getting to know different people. Besides obviously mathematics, I love learning about almost anything. In my free time I like to do sports (currently table tennis and cycling), tinker with computers (I'm a bit of a nerd), or play board games. I also enjoy caring for my plant babies a lot.

Algemene informatie: Jakob
  Man, 29 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  4e jaars Mathematics (UNIVERSITEIT)
  Lid van GEWIS