Áron Richárd zoekt een Kamer / Appartement / Huurwoning / Studio / Woonboot in Amsterdam

Áron Richárd zoekt: Een Kamer / Appartement / Huurwoning / Studio / Woonboot in Amsterdam

  • Kamer / Appartement / Huurwoning / Studio / Woonboot
  • Min. 11 m2
  • Man
  • 23 Per direct

I am currently studying Artificial Intelligence at the VU. I love chess , waterpolo, philosophy, and programming. Coming to Amsterdam was one of the best decisions throughout my life. I have enjoyed every second that I've spent here (even the rain in november). However searching for new apartments and rooms has become increasingly difficult. That is why I wish to settle down in one place for the remainder of my bachelor studies(2years).

What am I looking for?
-a room (in a shared apartment)
-a studio to share with one other person

Algemene informatie: Áron Richárd
  Man, 21 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Artificial Intelligence BSc (UNIVERSITEIT)