Frank  zoekt een Kamer in Amsterdam

Frank zoekt: Een Kamer in Amsterdam

  • Kamer
  • Min. 10 m2
  • Man
  • 23 Per direct

Hello! My name is Frank. I am writing as a student recently graduated from Manchester and with an offer to study a masters in Neurobiology at UvA.

I am interested in renting a room/apartment. I have experience in living in shared accommodation and am an easy going, clean and tidy person - focused on studying.

I am an experienced bartender, rock climber and chess enthusiast who deeply enjoys exploring unknowns and appreciates social life; although I also appreciate quiet weekends to myself reading and studying as well.

If you are looking for a roommate/tenant please get in touch!

Best Wishes,

PS. I require the ability to register with the municipality.

Algemene informatie: Frank
  Man, 22 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars MSc Neurobiology (UNIVERSITEIT)