James zoekt een Appartement / Studio / Woonboot in Amsterdam

James zoekt: Een Appartement / Studio / Woonboot in Amsterdam

  • Appartement / Studio / Woonboot
  • Min. 25 m2
  • Man
  • 23 Per direct

Hi! My name is James (28M, French, born in the UK) and myself and my partner (30F, American) are coming to live in Amsterdam from July / August. I'm coming to be a Master's student at UvA (though I have saved for this year, around €17k) and she's coming to look for work as a developer. She has a Master's degree in computer science. We also have a cat called Tabasco but we're used to renting and preparing an apartment to prevent any damage to the furniture! We hope we're a good fit for you and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Algemene informatie: James
  Man, 29 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Political Science (UNIVERSITEIT)