Delphine zoekt een Kamer in Amsterdam

Delphine zoekt: Een Kamer in Amsterdam

  • Kamer
  • Min. 12 m2
  • 23 Per direct

I'm a 23 years old girl from Paris. I'm studing art restoration and I will make an intership at the Rijksmuseum during 6 month. So I'm looking for a room or a apartment from February to July.
I think I am a calm and sociable person. I don't smoke.

I like Art and travels, do exercise (fitness, running, boxing) but I also like to be quiet at home to watch movies, and tv show, to read or to make sewing.

Algemene informatie: Delphine
  , 30 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  4e jaars Art conservation-restoration (UNIVERSITEIT)